InciWeb - The Incident Information System is the place to go for updates on large fires, both local and national.
Northern Rockies Coordination Center - Learn about fire danger, fire weather, national fire situation, predictive services, and more.
Fire Restrictions prevent human-caused wildfires when fire danger is high to extreme, when fire activity is high, and firefighting resources are limited.
Kalispell Interagency Dispatch Center WildCAD shows all local responses and status.
It is important to know when it's safe to be active outside, and how to protect children and vulnerable populations when air quality is poor.
Current Air Quality at AirNow.gov Check air quality in your location.
Fire and Smoke Map See where smoke is coming from and check air quality across the nation.
Insurance Institute of Building and Home Safety (IBHS) Video showing the effect of embers on landscaping & the effectiveness of ignition-resistant concepts.
Smart 911 - Be prepared for any emergency by giving public safety the information they need to better help and communicate with you.
Firewise & IBHS worked together to produce wildfire research fact-sheets for homeowners.
Be Ember Aware Most home lost to wildfire ignite NOT from the flaming front, but from surface fires and the accumulation of embers.
WILDFIRE Home Retrofit Guide A complete guide on how to “harden your home” against the blizzard of embers associated with an approaching wildfire.
Firewise Communities - Become a Firewise Community and prepare your home, family, and community for fire seasons.
Ready, Set, Go. - Have a plan in place and prepare for evacuation early.
Living with Fire Evacuation Checklist be prepared to evacuate quickly & safely— a checklist can help!
Complete Home Inventory Insurance agents recommend documenting a complete home inventory just in case that really bad day happens.
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